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International Women's Day

March 8, 2024

This International Women’s Day (IWD), DAKILA stands in solidarity with women, celebrating their achievements and advocating for an end to violence against women and children (VAWC), the advancement of sexual and reproductive health rights, the bridging of the gender wage gap, and the recognition and redistribution of unpaid care work.

Marching to protest shorter working hours, better pay, and the right to vote in 1908 New York, the IWD origin is inherently economic and political. The 8th of March was chosen after Russian women demanded “bread and peace” during a wartime strike in 1917. As it is today, food, security, working conditions, wages, and representation were among women’s top concerns at the time.

Amid the political conflict marked by maneuvers to alter the constitution, Filipinos are trapped in a power struggle between the Marcoses and the Dutertes. Regrettably, women bear the brunt of this as the priorities of those in power misalign with their urgent needs. Insufficient governmental support and the lack of law enforcement only serve to amplify the vulnerability of women to abuse and exploitation.

In today’s Philippines, women’s representation in decision-making spheres is regressing, hindered by state-sponsored fear and discrimination. DAKILA demands that the government prioritize women’s rights, foster an environment conducive to reporting abuse, and actively fight prejudices and human rights violations.

Witnessing a reversion of the Women’s liberation movement in recent years, we must not be content with celebrating women and fighting for their fundamental human rights just today. Every day, we must imagine and strive to achieve a just and caring world for all women–a world only possible through women’s collective liberation.

#NationalWomensMonth #IWD2024

Free Pura Luka Vega!

March 2, 2024

In solidarity with the LGBTQIA+ and the art community, DAKILA calls for Pura Luka Vega’s immediate release. Detained yet again by the Manila Police District, her arrest under outdated laws like Article 201 of the Revised Penal Code highlights the continued persecution faced by LGBTQIA+ individuals and artists. Pura’s repeated targeting is a stark reminder of the urgent need for legislative protection of our freedom of expression. Thus, passing the SOGIESC Equality Bill has become crucial, now more than ever, to ensure equal treatment and respect for all, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, or expression. 

#FreePuraLukaVega #DragIsNotACrime #SOGIEEqualityNow


On Air, Juan Jumalon

November 7, 2023

We in DAKILA condemn the killing of broadcaster Juan Jumalon, widely known as DJ Johnny Walker, just three days following the commemoration of the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes Against Journalists and a few weeks before the Maguindanao Massacre anniversary. Last Sunday, Juan was brutally shot dead in broad daylight while live-streaming his program on Facebook within the confines of his own home in Misamis Occidental.

This tragic event, as highlighted by the National Union of Journalists in the Philippines, marks the 199th occurrence since 1986 and the fourth under the current administration. This grim statistic reveals an unsettling pattern of violence against journalists in the country, and the situation is exacerbated by the Philippines’ dismal ranking as the 8th worst nation for prosecuting those responsible for the killing of journalists, as reported in the 2023 Global Impunity Index.

This chilling act took place in the wake of the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes Against Journalists on November 2, serving as a stark reminder of the urgent need for action and accountability. It is imperative, now more than ever, that we, as a united community, demand justice for Juan Jumalon and work tirelessly to eradicate the culture of impunity surrounding acts of violence, harassment, and intimidation that target journalists.

All these prove that the fear for life and safety amongst media professionals has never been lifted. In the current climate of fear where truth-tellers find themselves constantly threatened, we call on President Marcos Jr. to safeguard press freedom and hold those responsible for such heinous acts accountable.

We also invite free press advocates to Altermidya and National Union of Journalists of the Philippines’ forum titled “Pressing Boundaries: Challenges in Journalism Amid a Shrinking Democratic Space” to learn how we can contribute to the call for independent and safe press in the country and beyond.

Together, let us collectively strive to create an environment where the pursuit of truth and the protection of the free press is held in the highest regard.

#JusticeForJuanJumalon #StopKillingJournalists #DefendPressFreedom #EndImpunity!



How To Add New Articles

April 26, 2024

In order to add new articles using our template (, simply use the Navigator in Elementor to duplicate one of the headers as needed (i.e. You can duplicate “Header of Freedom of Expression” and rename the campaign, e.g. Democracy, as shown here.) Then do the same for any article present in the Navigator. You may repeat as needed for all articles and campaigns. #curlvin #curlos

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