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As the days inch closer to the day of #Halalan2022, we the voters will need to become familiar with the candidates so we can determine who deserves our vote. Need some help to decide on the top 12 Senators to vote for this #Halalan2022? We can help you out! Simply give your rating for each issue and once your done, your answers will be filtered to the top 12 senators matching your top issues .

As the days inch closer to the day of #Halalan2022, we the voters will need to become familiar with the candidates so we can determine who deserves our vote. Need some help to decide on the top 12 Senators to vote for this #Halalan2022? We can help you out! Simply give your rating for each issue and once your done, your answers will be filtered to the top 12 senators matching your top issues .

Junking of Anti-Terror Law

Protection of Indigenous Peoples' rights and support their increased participation in cultural spaces

Reparations for Martial Law Victims & Retrieval of Marcos' Ill-gotten Wealth

Increase national minimum wage to P750

Increase budget for farming and fishing support/infrastructure

Increase financial and technical support for local climate adaptation and mitigation projects

Integrate Human Rights and Peace Education into basic and secondary education curriculum

Safe re-opening of schools and transition to face-to-face classes

Ensure that quality internet is available to students and work to provide subsidies to ensure they can keep up in their classes (i.e., load or laptop subsidies)

Increased participation of the youth in local and national governance by allowing them to influence & craft legislation

Increase funding for mental health support

Criminalizing of Vote-buying

Demand that campaigns declare online campaign expenditures beyond their official social media accounts

Enact the right to an adequate food bill or the Zero Hunger Bill

Continue support for the rice tarrification law

Seeking climate change accountability from better developed, high-pollutant countries

Pass an Alternative Mining Act in accordance with human rights norms, standards, and obligations

Support for Open Pit Mining

Legalization of Divorce

Decriminalizing Abortion